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Neuromodulation continues to demonstrate efficacy world wide

We are priviliged to be a part of a medical ecosystem that can offer cutting edge therapy for the relief of chronic intractable pain, low back pain, neuropathy, and complex regional pain syndrome without opioids.

Neuromodulation such as spinal cord stimulation and dorsal root ganglion therapy is the future of pain management, and its effectiveness is being demonstrated all across the world.

I'm excited to be part of the vanguard for the new era of pain medicine and provide cutting edge therapy to the people of Alaska who struggle with chronic pain. Pain from a physiological perspective is the conversion of noxious physical stimulation, to chemical messengers, which are then converted to electrical signals received by the brain.

Current medical therapy for pain depends on using chemicals that mimic chemicals created by our bodies to block the transmission of these electrical signals we perceive as pain.

Neuromodulation changes the management of chronic pain by blocking pain using the same language as our nerves use to communicate pain. This prevents the overuse of medication and the development of dependence on medication. Furthermore, it gives our patients the freedom to adjust and create a therapeutic stimulation pattern that is designed to specifically treat their pain.

Feel free to learn more about spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, and interventional pain procedures for the treatment of your chronic pain. Visit my website, and click on the "Learn More" tab to watch videos summarizing these amazing therapies.

If you suffer from chronic pain and are tired of taking medications that seem to cause more problems than relief, then come visit my team at Algone Anchorage Interventional Pain Clinic. Visit today to book your appointment!

Know More

  • American Society of Pain & Neuroscience
  • American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
  • The University of Chicago
  • The American Board of Anesthesiology

Practice Locations

  • 5860 Collin McKinney Parkway
    Suite 604
    McKinney, TX 75070
  • 9500 Independence Drive
    Suite 700
    Anchorage, AK 99507
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 12pm